News from the Field
The FWBP 2015 Top 100 Private Companies
Top 100: Industry Award: Manufacturing: Summit Casing (SOURCE)

August 28, 2015
Summit Casing Equipment has made the FWBP Top 100 Private Companies List as #51 for 2015. In addition to this achievement, Summit Casing Equipment also received the Leader of the Manufacturing Industry Award. “Summit has transitioned from being a provider of other manufacturers’ goods to manufacturing better than 95 percent of all product offerings,” said co-founder Andy Eldridge, who along with partner Mitchel Hansen learned the ropes at Halliburton Co. before striking out on their own.
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The Bakken Magazine
Dealing with Rig Decline (SOURCE)
June 18, 2015
Summit Casing Equipment was featured in the Bakken Magazine providing insight on how drilling product manufacturers are handling the rig decline. “Through these tough times, we’re really focusing on the quality of our product, and the service that we provide,” stated Andy Eldridge, CFO of Summit Casing Equipment. » Read more about: The Bakken Magazine »Read more...
Announcing API Spec Q1 Certification
Summit Casing Equipment proudly announces they have received API Spec Q1 certification for its manufacturing facility
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) – Summit Casing Equipment proudly announces they have received API Spec Q1 certification from the American Petroleum Institute (API) for its manufacturing facility. The certification process by API requires the highest standards of quality management and manufacturing through an on-site audit and evaluation. API officials performed the audit at Summit’s Fort Worth Manufacturing Campus, verifying Summit’s conformance with API Spec Q1 and ISO:9001. » Read more about: Announcing API Spec Q1 Certification »Read more...
ISN Contractor Success Story
Summit's featured on ISNetworld's website for their Contractor's Success Story
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) Summit’s partnership with ISNetworld allows the company to be aligned with businesses who share their passion for success in the oil and gas industry and whose focus is to exceed their goals for safety. With ISNetworld, Summit is able to reach out more adeptly to a larger network of companies and customers, allowing them to focus more valuable time on connecting with their current and potential partners, and ensuring Summit’s safety measures are second to none. » Read more about: ISN Contractor Success Story »Read more...
U.S. Patent No. 8,701,759 issued encompassing recently announced centralizer innovation
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) –– Summit Casing Equipment, the leader in the innovation of oil and gas field casing equipment, today revealed its groundbreaking TD LoCo Composite Centralizer has been awarded U.S. Patent No. 8,701,759, a utility patent issued by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Summit inventors developed the TD LoCo to have a Low Coefficient of friction, allowing casing to reach total depth with greater speed, efficiency and effectiveness. Summit’s application to the USPTO explained the TD LoCo’s ultra-durable one-piece design integrated a curved slope blade design as opposed to a step, » Read more about: “TD LoCo” PATENT BREAKS NEW GROUND FOR SUMMIT »Read more...
Downhole Products, Ltd. Patent 6,435,275 decision sustained
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) – Summit Casing Equipment, the emerging leader in the innovation of oil and gas field casing equipment, today released a statement in response to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board decision on Appeal 2014- 002025. This decision affirmed the USPTO’s prior ruling rejecting the claims of Patent No. 6,435,275, held by Downhole Products. “It has been our unwavering contention that this patent is invalid, and we were pleased to learn the USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board upheld the original ruling,” said Andy Eldridge, » Read more about: U.S. PATENT TRIAL & APPEAL BOARD AFFIRMS REJECTION OF PATENT »Read more...
Midland Reporter – Telegram
Rapid Advances : New casing centralizer targets long laterals (SOURCE)
June 18, 2015
» Read more about: Midland Reporter – Telegram »
Low Coefficient of friction and ultra-durable design has the potential to be a game-changer
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) – Summit Casing Equipment, the emerging leader in innovative oil and gas field casing equipment, today announced the unveiling of its state-of-the-art composite centralizer at the 2014 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition. The revolutionary Summit TD LoCo features a proprietary composite construction designed with a low coefficient of friction that allows casing to reach total depth at a greater rate of speed and efficiency. Its ultra-durable one-piece design is built for high impact stress and heat resistance to maintain its integrity under extreme well bore temperatures. » Read more about: SUMMIT UNVEILS GROUNDBREAKING “TD LoCo” COMPOSITE CENTRALIZER »Read more...
June 18, 2015
(Fort Worth, TX) – Summit Casing Equipment, an emerging leader in the innovation of gas and oil field casing equipment, released a statement today in response to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ruling invalidating Patent No. 6,435,275, held by Downhole Products. “This decision by the Patent and Trademark Office confirms our long-held belief as to the invalidity of the patent,” said Andy Eldridge, Summit’s Chief Financial Officer. “We pride ourselves on the integrity and quality of our products, » Read more about: U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE RULING CONFIRMS INVALIDITY OF CLAIM. »Read more...